Monthly Archives: February 2016

My Magnet Project!

I have a science project for my homework. It has a big crane and a small magnet. I tried once. The small magnet picked more than the big crane. I tried again. This time the big crane stuck more than the small magnet. The first time I tried because the big crane had a little red dot on the end on the crane handle. I sealed my project in a Ziploc bag and I handed it in. They are on a big table in the hallway. I realized they both stick lots of paper clips. My brother Roy and my mom helped me. I learned that bigger magnets attract more metal objects more than small ones.

jl1 jl2




Welcome to Justin L.’s STUDENT BLOG area!

We are going to share some of our work here during Grade 2 and practice our feedback skills by writing comments to each other. Of course it is always exciting to get comments from our FAMILY too! Maybe we might even get a comment from a student SOMEWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD!
We will do our best work, but we are still learning so please comment on our IDEAS not our spelling or captitals! Over the year, you should see some wonderful progress in our writing skills!

Happy Blogging!


Mrs. Boekhout